Monday, April 12, 2010

I Quit!

Yep, you heard it (read it) right, I'm done with the bar! I quit! And of course it's brought me highs and lows, even in only one week! I'll be fine...I'm just dramatic (but you knew that already)!

My quitting came about for two reasons. #1 was that it probably wasn't a good idea to keep working in a place that made me want to poke people in the eye with my wine opener! No it wasn't just my coworkers and bosses, but the customers too. Now don't get me wrong, I made decent (ok- good) money- but it wouldn't be long before I'd be in jail for excessively stabbing foreigners in the eye! I have better ways to spend my time! Reason #2 was that while I was in Florida (more like 30 seconds before heading to the airport to come home) my mom went to the hospital. Long story short, she's fine, she was out the next day. But, it was one of the scariest moments of my life. I immediately realized that life is short and why waste time being unhappy with things that you can do something about? There are enough uncontrollable circumstances in life: illness, natural disasters and relationships, so there's no reason to stay at a stupid job that leaves you feeling depressed and unsatisfied 90% of your time. Once again, I have better ways to spend my time!

So, the day I got back- I quit! Probably not the smartest thing because I didn't technically have another day job (I judge dance competitions on the weekends). But like a friend has always told me: 'sometimes you have to jump and hope the net will appear'. So I did. I wound up with a catering gig (not as great of money as bartending, but it has a flexible schedule, and there's sanity) and some babysitting gigs. Of course freak outs are bound to happen, even though it's only been a week since I’ve officially been done with the bar, but in time all will work out! With my free time I've been able to work out more, take some classes and choreograph a solo for a Miss New York State contestant! All good things and all are a step in the right direction!

In the meantime- Mama needs money! So if you know about any odd jobs or you would like to hire me to clean your toilets- I'm game! And if you're keeping track- get a new job was on my list of things to do this year!

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