Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's Play Catch Up!

I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted, especially considering it's on my mind (and To-Do List) every day! There are just never enough hours! If someone wants to buy me one of those iPads then I could post more often! It's just hard to carry my computer with me everywhere, my bag is heavy enough! (Are you listening Mr. Jobs? Hook a sista up!) Anyways, so much has gone on in the last month, hence why I've been too busy to post, and most definitely why I'm in need of psychiatric treatment!

Last time I posted I had just gotten cut at SYTYCD (again) - no bigs, totes not bitter! After that I spent the week in Disney World with my family. In case you didn't know, my famous sister (only sister) whom I often speak of works there. Works totally doesn't do it justice... she is a dancer at Hollywood Studios and dabbles in character work (but don't ask me which's a secret!). When I got back: I quit my job at the restaurant. Went into financial panic mode (cue psychiatric treatment and generous donations, ahem Mr. Jobs). I was in a cab with a crazy driver who showed me porn. Got a job catering. Freaked out about my weight (I know, this is nothing new). Went to some auditions. Got cut from some auditions. Bought some shoes. Did a mini cleanse. Cried a little. Fell in love with Parenthood. Caught up with some old friends. Made some new friends. Got pissed at old friends for not telling me what they are doing with their famous selves (Yes- You Neil). Babysat for the first time in three years. Got my ass schooled in a dance class. Wallowed in self pity. Overdosed on Reddi-Wip (don't judge me).

So all in all- your average month! A little bit of this and a lot more of that to come! Have no fear I'll break down the highlights for you! Keep on reading (that's a no brainer)!

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