Thursday, March 11, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

"... When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad"

Ok, so no, the two things I'm about to mention are definitely NOT my favorite things! The first would be getting CUT from auditions, and the second would be dental work. Lucky me, I've had both done to me in the last two days! YAY for me (fuck my life)!

I’m immersed in travel plans right now, and stop one was to Dallas. I masked going to the So You Think You Can Dance audition with a stop home. I told a few friends that I was coming out for the audition, but everyone else assumed I was visiting my family, because if you've met my mother you know how much she thrives on her kids being in her house (or at least under the same roof!). Anyways, I got cut in NYC, and thought I could redeem myself and maybe have a better chance of standing out in Dallas. Well, things didn't really go well for me. I spent the morning jumping around in front of cameras, running up and down steps, talking to producers like I was hot shit and mentoring fresh faced 18 year olds on what to expect once getting inside. Once I got in front of the producers I did was I always do while improving for them... I forgot how to dance! I CAN dance, I AM a good dancer, yet once whatever song they choose to play is on, I freak out, and result to what... CARTWHEELS! This time it was just a half a cartwheel, but still...WHAT! Either he felt pity on me, or expected better, but he asked me to stick around to dance again.

Sticking around was the last thing I wanted! I wanted a ticket or to get cut right away!  I mean, it's great to have a second chance, but there is just so much pressure, and while I used to work well under it, now I freeze! I wanted to be on this damn show so bad, especially considering all those little girls standing around me in line got through! So needless to say, I got in the room for a second time (4th this season), and did what I always do- I got cut! I went for it, just not well enough apparently! I mean, the girls that got kept were jumping around the floor with bent knees and sickled feet and horrible port de bras... but I GOT CUT! But you know what? It's ok! I wasn’t meant to be on that show. They would be lucky to have me on that show, because I AM AN ARTIST! I am not a puppet. I am not a 12 year old whacking her leg! I am a DANCER, and I'm moving on. If no one is going to hire me, I'm going to hire myself!

Now on to the second thing I love so much! Every time I am in Dallas I spend time in the Dentist's office. It's getting old! Last time I was in town I had three cavities filled, was told I needed gum surgery and had to look at veneer implants. Today, I had my last two wisdom teeth taken out. I'm doing fine now, just a couple hours of bleeding and numbness! But seriously! COME ON! I’m over it! I'm too poor for this shit and I can't expect for my parents to pay for it! Though I blame these issues on them, I mean God love him, but my father doesn't have the prettiest teeth, and my mom gave me too much fluoride as a kid, so there's blame there too!

In a nutshell that was my trip to Dallas.  I spent day one crying over getting cut and day two eating copious amounts of ice cream due to minimal mouth function! I'm unemployed, toothless and fat!  If I keep this up maybe I can be on The Biggest Loser!

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