Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thank You!

I thought that I could start this entry with wit and charm- but sometimes it's just best to rip the band-aid off!

While I was at jury duty last week, for two straight days I was searching the web for things to keep me occupied. I tried to access my blog site through my shortcut but it was blocked. Using those problem solving skills I developed in the second grade I was able to access the site through a Google search! When searching ''hopelessly passionate'' my blog was the first thing to pop up and below it was a link that someone had posted on facebook. This 'fan', if you will, had posted a link to my blog and encouraged his friends to read if they wanted to laugh, cry and just be entertained. I was flattered! Then I found comments to this posting where some girl called me “bitter, bitchy and pessimistic”. Well I never said I wasn't! And though I can be two out of those three (you can decide which), this chick doesn't know me so who is she to make such judgments?

I would just like to point out that while I tend to take the bitter and bitchy tone in my blog, it is all in good fun, good humor and good entertainment. Also, I pretended for far to long that life as all "peachy keen, fine and dandy” and truth is, it isn’t; so I write a blog about the shit that happens to me, the things I hate and the people that irritate me. Writing for me has turned into a form of therapy as well as a pastime, but I do it with hopes that whoever is reading this can find something to relate to, it’s in hopes that no one ever has to feel alone! New York City is a huge and scary place to live, and though you are surrounded by millions the loneliness can be daunting. I've lived the loneliness, I've lived the frustration- but I've learned that I'm not alone in my feelings. We can all get through the hard times when we know that there's safety in numbers! So thank you for reading and I hope you continue to come back for what I have to say, but if you find me bitchy, bitter and pessimistic and not at all entertaining ... feel free to move on, 'cuz I ain't stoppin'!

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