Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow in the City

I don't need Web MD to diagnose myself; it's pretty clear what I have: Seasonal Depression! I don't know why it comes as a surprise, because I go through it every year and obviously at the same time! The fabulous NYC has seen close to 18 inches of snow in the last few days which means blocked cars, lakes at every street corner and even more reason to want to stay inside until spring. It's freaking February, I'm so over being cold and kept up inside, yet it is always the same!

November: This is when it all starts. This is when it gets cold outside, the jackets come out of the closet and the sniffles start. Before you know it there are a couple of extra pounds around your hips from the treats and bebidas that you have started to nosh on, but you decide to brush it off and be semi-optimistic about all the fun that's ahead of you!

December: It hits like a ton of bricks. You are working hard, adding extra hours to your schedule to pay for all the gifts you plan on giving and all playing you plan on doing! A few more treats, a few more drinks, you buy a few more pairs of leggings (because those jeans are now a little too snug) and you are embracing the season of fun, friends and family. Though the bank account starts to fizzle away, there's that reminder of the Baby Jesus (if you are a better Christian than I) and the materialistic fact that you might end the month with a few cute things!

January: The New Year has most likely been started hung-over. As uncomfortably and shitty you feel you may have been lucky enough to have dropped a few pounds from the projectile vomiting that happened the night before. This new month means a new year with new resolutions, goals and plans. But it's still cold, and you still have no money, and you are tired, and you are getting sick (your liver's little game of revenge). All the color that you might have had is now GONE, the cellulite you fought hard against over the summer is more prominent. Oh, and don't forget about those goals and plans that you made all of three days's funny how quickly they turned into overwhelming and frustrating reminders of your lack of motivation and depleted funds! Every movie has suddenly turned into a depressing analogy of your life, every dismal moment is somehow an example of your lack of a future and every bill from the gym is a reminder that you are a big fat failure. Excuses flow out of you like water at Niagara Falls and those bottles of wine you had left over from your holiday parties are now empty!

Every year it's like clockwork. It starts off slow and with warning and it leaves slow and with all your money and positivity. I wouldn't consider moving back to Miami for any reason other than avoiding this horrible feeling that takes control of your mind and body for 4 months time. I'm an NYC girl, where else could you find a man cross country skiing down Broadway and women wearing I Love NY ponchos over their quarter of a million dollar furs! So I propose we move the island of Manhattan to the Caribbean! Who's with me? Just think how nice this city would look with year round sandals! Put a beach in Central Park and I'm good to go!

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