Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Freaking New Year!

On January 1st, 2010...I thought...I was die! And if I didn't, there was a very big possibility of my having to flee to Canada in efforts to escape from the mass murder of 1000 idiots! First of all, New Years Day should be spent in bed, in your pjs, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate. It should NOT be spent gallivanting around New York City especially the Radio City/Rockefeller Center vicinity, where I work!

My New Year started like any other twenty year old living in Manhattan...HUNGOVER! The difference between me and every other person was that I had to get my ass to work. So lets put this equation together: copious amounts of vodka + no sleep + possible food poisoning + 8 hours having been spent in 6 inch pumps = migraine + fever + chills + movement of a glacial pace + an incredibly sore and tense body. Therefore what do we have? Nothing less than an incredibly unhappy, non social Ashley who has to pretend she loves her job and life as a bartender! This could have been a possibility if we had been dead like expected and closed early. But you know what happens when you assume... you get your ass handed to you!

We new decade inspired employees began the morning with Bloody Mary's and shots (I made them...did not drink them), we made plans for an early dinner and talked about the possibilities for the New Year. We then watched our bliss swirl down a massive toilet while we were shit on by the worst foreigners and tippers of last year. These jerks didn't get the memo that bad tipping was SOOOO last decade. My first tip of the New Year was a solid 25 cents. This was either an omen for things ahead, or God's little joke than means the best is yet to come. I took it as the later, and then I got a ten cent tip and almost chucked it at the person's face!

There was absolutely no way in hell I could move at a faster pace. We were three people deep at the bar, the tickets were spewing out of the service bar, and people were ordering things in single increments every 5 minutes. Things such as Buttery Nipples. Really??? Do I look like I have time for a Buttery Nipple? Not to mention I was being required to do all this on an empty stomach (everything that had been consumed the 24 hours prior was on Tenth Ave), and the chills from what I could later label as food poisoning were kicking in. For people to expect me to run around any faster only proves they never leave the house except for once a year, and obviously they never went out on New Years Eve.

If you are out on New Years Day, at a bar, you should expect that your bartender and servers were OUT the night before. And they are going to be moving a little more slowly, but they are going to ask that you have a little bit of patience and start the New Year off Karmic-ly right by over tipping! So the moral of the story ladies and gentlemen: if my January 1st, 2010 is any indication of the coming year- I'm screwed, but there is always the chance that that was the worst and that it can only get better! I'm once again going with the later!

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