Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Holidays Are Over!

Well, like it says above...the Holidays are definitely over. The restaurant has slowed down. The tourists have diminished. The regulars are back because they are no longer threatened by the crazed tourists. But with all this, it means time to tighten the belt because the money slows too.

You've heard it before - but I'm going to say it again: living in New York City is not cheap. I've always been very good about balancing my accounts, paying bills and knowing what my financial status is (not good), but I've never really put myself on a budget. I'm not gonna lie, I live a little frivolously! For a while my excuse was: I'm young, I live in NYC, and you only live once. But now that I've been here for a while and I have the nice apartment, it's time to start acting like an adult. As much of an adult as one can be living as an 'entertainer' in NYC. Manhattan is basically one big play pen floating on water filled with a bunch of 5 year olds in designer suits and Jimmy Choo shoes!

It's all so overwhelming. This thought process came about when I decided to get a personal trainer at my gym. Boy, do they have NO problem raping you up the ass with their prices, but that's another topic for another time! I know that having a trainer will be worth it, I've seen this guy work out (He's Yummy!), but my excuse was "this is something I need to do for me." Riiiiight! As if everything else I do isn't for me and me alone! Face it- no husband (no boyfriend), no kids (no pets), not one person or thing that I have any sort of responsibility for. So that excuse is NO excuse because everything I do on a daily basis is for me- selfish yes- but that’s NYC!

When I tried to break down my monthly expenses and factor in money for savings as well as significant payments towards my credit card(s), there is NO WAY I'd be able to continue to live the way I do (fun and frivolous and always fashionable). I have no idea how people who work the same jobs as I could possibly afford things such as children, school, houses and cars. AHHHH! I’m nauseous just thinking about the plate I and almost every other New Yorker are eating . . . DEBT with a side of loans. I live in the most beautiful and wonderful city in the world, but all I see are skies of grey and clouds of money that I don't have. I’m in the middle of the desert waiting for the rain!

So I know the numbers. I added up the dollar signs. But what about those things that don't have a monetary value? Things such as sanity? Sure I could work 1000 hours a week (yes, I exaggerate), but would I be happy? And what would all the work be for if I couldn't enjoy the hard earned cash? And why bother living in NYC if you miss out on all the culture and people that are here; the people and things that keep you going?

Can you balance it all with out either going crazy or living in a land of delusion (I am its Queen)? Stay tuned to find out I guess! . . .

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