Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My 12 Step Program

I feel like I'm at the beginning of a 12 step program. No not A.A. I like to think of this as the 12 steps towards improving my mental and physical being. A way to turn the jaded and cynical New Yorker that I have become into the happy and productive New Yorker I'd like to be!

Yes, I know that perky is far less entertaining to read, but far better for those who have to deal with me! But lets be serious, this is me we're talking about. No 12, 20 or 40 steps can possibly stop the stupid shit that always happens to me from happening.

I have realized that what is wrong with a New Years Resolution is that one expects everything to change in one day. Of course then, when it doesn't, because it never does, you get discouraged and quit. This all happens before the first week of the year is over and you then spend the next 51 weeks feeling like a failure and say you will do better next year. So, since re-starting my New Year, I have been taking baby steps so that I don't get pissy, quit and then run to Crumbs.

Step 1: Set yourself up- It's important to plan attainable goals. Outline the things you would like to be successful at in the next year and fill your space with the tools that will help you get to the destination. In my case I filled my fridge with veggies and copious amounts of personalized paper to make my daily to-do lists. I'm OCD!

Step 2: Coming to terms with imperfections- If you allow yourself to be human, the bumps in the road won't turn into giant man eating potholes. Before making the leap into new adventures you must remember that you are not perfect, that things don't magically happen and you can be ultimately be successful, even with little slip ups!

Step 3: Change your thoughts- Make your first day about positive thoughts. Throw out the frustrations, everything that happened before you went to bed do not matter. Negative and pent up feelings are no good to you. You are in control of your thoughts and feelings, so take the reigns.

Step 4: Change your routine- Be active and healthy. Challenge yourself with new and different workouts. Take classes or simply go for walks on different paths. Getting stuck in the dame routine every day can make you subconsciously resentful of all the things you love to do! Change it up and it will make you appreciate the things that make you happy that you can often take for granted!

Step 5: Change what goes in your body- Stop counting calories and carbs, and start counting veggies. In this case the higher the number- the better! You will feel better and lighter than that bagel with low-fat scallion cream cheese. Yes, I love the way it tastes too, but I don't love the way it feels in the pit of my stomach. It’s ok to splurge (see step 2), but just remember how good the pure and natural gifts from Mother Nature feel and taste!

Step 6: Make plans- Set your sights in fun times ahead. Spice up the goings on with your friends so that you have things to look forward to. Not only will you feel better, but you'll stop obsessing on all the things you are trying to accomplish. If you have no friends, I'm sorry, you can borrow mine- they rock!

Step 7: Keep it fun- Laughter is the best way to turn a difficult day around.

Steps 8-12, well these are T.B.D. They may not even exist. Hell, the first 7 may not even exist. They can be incredibly useless and maybe not even the slightest bit productive, but they helped me. I like to cross things off a list, so by starting with little asterisks I feel accomplished! It's a silly life but someone has to live it!

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