Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mint Chocolate Chip

I remember being a junior in High School and having the assignment in English class to write for ten minutes non stop about whatever came to mind. It's funny to think of now but that was always such a difficult assignment. You were simply supposed to write about whatever thoughts came to your mind at that moment in time, but yet I always felt like I was devoid of thoughts once the pencil was in hand. Now I don't know if it's that writing on a laptop is easier than my ball point pen, or if it's just that I have more things on my mind now. There are times when I'm not incredibly motivated to write, but at the same time, I'm never short on thoughts, or things to say.

My poor friends, I absolutely love them, but they deserve a medal (or at least a life time supply of free drinks) for all they have to deal with with me! I never was the person to fully admit in High School that I was slightly self-centered, or that I had a bitchy-ness to me. Now, I love it! It can be a make or break quality when it comes to making friends, but I think it helps eliminate some of the bullshit from my life! I'm sure I will never be fully free of the ridiculous drama that exists in life, but that also comes from the fact that I am a Leo and I crave the spotlight and attention. This is yet another fact that I was never fully comfortable saying out loud.

Have I ever mentioned that I was Senior Class President? Yes, yes I was. The class of 2003 at Clarence High School, I was Senior Class President. I did a damn good job too. I'm slightly OCD, so I have this compulsive need to be in charge, and what better way than to be President. I don't always have the ideas, or the solution, but I do like having the power to decide what the final course of action is going to be! I wish there was a class President in NYC! I think it would give me a better sense of control in an uncontrollable city. Now I'm not saying that NYC is like Las Vegas, yet at the same time it is very uncontrollable. Usually in the form of alcohol consumption or one night stands (not unlike Vegas) yet in NYC, we don't do things under an alias name. Though, the next morning, we wish we had,

Have you ever seen the movie Man of the House? The one with Tommy Lee where he protects a bunch of cheerleaders, not the one with Jonathan Taylor Thomas (aka JTT) and Chevy Chase circa mid nineties. At least I think they have the same name. Well, the prior is on FX right now, but now that I think of it, I might have preferred to watch the later. I love that Chevy Chase tries to become a father figure in JTT's life, yet JTT tries to sabotage the relationship between his mom and this new boyfriend. I mean, I'll never forget the fight scene where the good guys are all dressed like Indians because that's their troupe theme! Classic movie. Kind of like the Saved by the Bell, Hawaiian Paradise episode. This too is also related to my Senior Class president Days. I wrote about SBTB in my speech and how much I loved it! I still do, so much so that I watched it the other morning while getting ready for work. There is no real reason to love these movies, except for the sense of nostalgia that they provide. Because honestly as kids we didn't know any better, and now that we do, we wish we didn't!

I think this has been a solid ten minutes. To be honest it might have been less; I got up for some mint chocolate skinny cow ice cream sandwiches with cool whip for a hot tick. But it's not like you really care. It's not like you care at all if you are reading this! I mean, who the hell am I? Just a chick with a lot to say and a serious sweet tooth! Any who, I should seriously hop on my reformer now, but I think I'll have another one of those sandwiches instead!

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