Friday, November 20, 2009

Wicked 'Wicked' Girls

Are you fricken kidding me? I went to my first real audition yesterday since being back in the city. By 'real' I mean, a legit job, not one that requires me to dance on a giant piano in a famous toy store (not that I wouldn't have taken that job if it had been offered to me, but come on-it's no Broadway). I got my ass up at 7am (7:45am by the time I actually got up), schlepped to Ripley Grier studios by 9am, put my name on the Non-Equity list (I was #33) and then moved my non-union ass to the hallway as to allow those more 'privileged' performers (by privileged I mean the ones that found the vending machine that dispenses Equity cards, because there couldn't possibly be any way that they actually booked a show to receive said card). At 10am I found out that the card wasn't for another half hour, so my running around wasn't necessary. During this hour I sat and chatted with people I've met over the last few years through this painful process and then decided I should go check the status of the list.

Though the call hadn't started yet, I knew that the names on the unofficial list should have been transferred by now to the 'special' piece of paper that Equity provided. I've been doing these types of calls for 3.5 years now. The newbie’s to the city show up at the ass crack of dawn to put their names on this list because they believe that it might make some sort of difference in their standings on getting the job. Others show up early to make sure they are some of the first seen because they have to leave at a certain time to get to work or class. I used to be one of these crazy people, now I show up an hour before the call starts (or that I think it starts), get comfy, do my audition, then peace the fuck out. One thing that I have learned in these last three years is a manner of respect for my fellow performers. This respect is shown through many ways including honoring the unofficial list when it becomes time to transfer it to the official list.

This list business is such a pain in the ass, but it's a necessary evil. If you have gotten your ass to mid-town at 7am to start a list, you hope that if you step out for a cup of coffee or a phone call that those people that have shown up after you will commend your effort and place your name in its rightful spot when it becomes time to transfer the names. It doesn't matter that that monitor says to only transfer your name, you transfer ALL the names, and respect the order in which they were put there in the first place.

Apparently these new fresh faced bitches need to read my blog, or simply ask me questions on the protocol of auditioning, because my name was moved from #33 to #92. HOW RUDE! And the thing that pisses me off is this is the second time in the last two months that this has happened to me. And, ironically enough both times have been at open calls for 'Wicked'. What happened to respect and decency for your fellow performers? The industry is in a slump as it is; the last thing we need is for a lack of kindness before we even get in the room. In the room you are allowed to work it, game on...but outside the room, you are nice, cordial, you share your hairspray, offer fashion tips, because by doing these things you allow your competitors to be at their peak in the audition room. You need them to be at their peak, because what's the point of kicking their ass when they look like shit before they even enter the room?!

I know the numbers game is silly and stupid, and I shouldn't be upset, I still got seen. But when you have been pounding the pavement for three years, you get tired, and as much as you are still hoping for a break, you just want people to understand that you are working just as hard as they are! I guess the jokes on the little bitches in the room though... I got called back, they didn't! Now it's back to waiting and seeing.  I know that call from Broadway will would be nice!

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