Monday, November 30, 2009

You are NOT Making this Easy!

I am trying, I really really am trying to not be jaded and negative this Holiday season. If you work in the service industry you are aware of this feeling of utter hatred for all things happy and all persons celebrating and acting as if it's the greatest time of the year. I mean, ok, it kind of is...but when you have to serve foreign, or drunken assholes, who don't tip and/or care that you are busting your ass so you can buy nice things for the Holidays, you want these people dead. I'm not saying I would kill them myself, but you kind of wish for evil things to happen to them.

I know! I'm a horrible person. I'm going to hell. I should watch what I say. My response: yes, of course and bite me! I'm not trying to be mean (which doesn't make it much better I guess), but when you run around trying to get people drinks, set them up for food, clean off your surroundings and help out your coworkers the last thing that is going to help the situation is a $2 tip, in quarters, on a $35 check. Not cool. Not cool. And while running around the last thing you want is your manager to watch you from the other side of the bar, not help you, and then say 'eh-he-he, it's kind of like running around the gym isn't it!?'. No, it's not. I enjoy running around the gym. I usually feel a sense of accomplishment after running around the gym, unlike while running around the restaurant for free...not enjoyable.

So to make this short:

*Don't be stupid
*Don't be overly demanding
*Be aware of how busy your server/bartender is and have sympathy
*Don't be stupid
*Don't eat out if you can't afford a proper tip
*Don't listen to Oprah
*Don't tip in change
*Don't justify being rude by overly smiling
*Don't be stupid

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You didnt think for one second that the person only tipping you 2 dollars is also busting his ass off for the holidays? Running around for free? Bitch please, you get a wage for a reason. Oh no, he tipped in change, I guess fuck that guy for using LEGAL US TENDER.
