Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fatty McFat Fat!

I haven't been doing a very good job about writing frequently. I love to write, and I'm having a fabulous time with this blog, but everything I have to say lately seems a little superficial. And it's the Holidays, so I don't  want to be wasting people's prime internet time with 'I feel fat', 'there's a new chick at work and she's prettier than me', and 'I'm fat'. And as far as updates on my job go, it's the same old crap, just a different tourist day. Basically, you can change the accent and the hair color, but at the end of the day it's still the same old beers and the same shitty tips. Only difference now is that there are double these people in the same amount of time, so the shitty/no tips add up to help with my wad of cash at the end of the shift.

I’ve decided that in the New Year I'll have more energy for a new attitude. It's gonna be a new year, a new decade and a new me! I'm gonna get back to the gym (as opposed to making excuses like I've been doing the last month). I’m gonna try new things: trapeze, ballroom and cooking classes. I'm gonna get back into photography; I got the camera, now I just need the models. I'm gonna work towards healthier habits: better eating, less drinking! I'm just waiting for the year to come to an end so I can get this fresh start under way! I know I could start now, but I just don't feel like it! I do better with goals and time frames!

Something I have learned in this last month of what I like to call 'sloppy laziness' is how good it feels to get all gussied up! I went out last night with a good friend and he commented on how beautiful I looked. He's known me for half my life, and it never gets old hearing how nice you look, especially when you know he means it! So when I feel bad about sitting on my ass eating dark chocolate covered raisins, I remember how nice it feels when I put a little work into my appearance, so I put down the chocolate and grab the grapes!

So the moral of this blog: don't sweat the small stuff, set goals to keep you moving, everybody is a little fatty sometimes!

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