Saturday, December 12, 2009

A League of My Own

If you have ever seen the movie a League of their Own, you can join me in rejoicing to the heavens that it is one of the best movies ever. I would clutch onto my VHS copy and bring it with me to any place that had a room with a VCR. My sister and I would go with my dad to his office on the weekends and he'd put us in the conference room with the projection screen so we could watch it like we were at the movie theatre. Of course when you are a kid you miss the little things. I mean Tom Hanks was grabbing his crotch, drinking out of a flask and making lewd comments, yet all that seemed to stick were things like 'There's no crying in baseball.' The things that stand out to you as a kid are not the same things that you take away from a movie as an adult. It' like a whole new movie to me now. It's an even better movie to me now!

I remember loving it as kid because I loved to play softball, and I loved to play dress seeing women play my favorite sport in dresses was the best! Now I love it because it reminds you of the importance of friends, and family. Kit and Dottie’s relationship reminds me of mine and my sister Allison’s. She’s never thrown a baseball at my head, we have had our fair share of pillow fights, launched phones and face against a wall moments. I don't think Allison would ever blame me for the some of the difficulties in her life, but I'm sure it's not easy to be in the shadows of an older sister doing the same thing as you. Allison is not lacking in any sort of talent, but she's just walking down a road that I have already started to pave. I know if it were me, I’d rather have the gravel at my feet and the openness to choose the path. Of course I encourage her to do this, but there are always going to be people with biased and ignorant opinions commenting on her life via what I’ve done with mine. It can't be easy...but at the same time, she throws things at me, so my sympathy only goes so far!

I love the emphasis on friends in the movie as well. Since living in NYC I've learned how important it is to surround yourself with good, strong people. Though I believe friendships require work and attention, the best ones come out of nowhere! The people in my life right now, who I know would bail me out of jail, or water my plants in a hurricane, are the people whom I never expected to be so close to! Good friends are hard to find, so when you stop looking, they find you! It’s just up to you to not let them get away!

The last thing that I can take away from this movie now, is that there is always a time for a 'song and dance'! If you are good at something, shine. If you love something, work at it. There is no reason to sit on the sidelines when you can be in the game. And if you are gonna be in the spotlight, you better give 'em a damn good show!

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