Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tis the love New York!

If you actually keep track of my blogs you may remember that I've been a little 'under the weather'! Well, I guess I'm allowing excuses for myself to not do the things I know I should be doing. So during this time I have been catching up with some old friends: Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte from Sex and the City courtesy of the complete series on DVD. I just can't get enough of this show. I and every other 18-60 year old woman in the country! I think that the show was so brilliant in capturing the true essence of New York City. The good, the bad and the fabulous are all on this show and it made me think of all the things I love and am grateful for that you can only get in New York.


* The Holidays in New York- the tree, the lights, the giant crystal snowflake over Fifth Avenue. I love that for three weeks people say things like "Have a beautiful Christmas", "I wish you a happy holiday season", and if you work with Hispanic people "Feliz Navidad!".

* That it is totally acceptable to have mustard in your fridge and vodka in your freezer. And nothing else!

* People commend you for shopping at Fairway; getting everything you need, not killing an Upper Westside Jew, and not being killed by an Upper Westside Jew!

* You are totally forgiven for staying inside your apartment when it is raining, snowing or windy.

* Your best friends are your family.

* Westside market, Duane Reade, Tasti-D-Lite, Crumbs, H&M.

* Men in suits.

* Men in suits who pay for drinks.

* Riverside Park, especially the Boat Basin.

* Christmas Tree stands.

* Saying I live in New York City.

* Seeing the same people every day, never knowing their names, but missing them when you don't see them for a while!

* Having 32 different Chinese, Thai and Pizza options within 10 blocks!

* Running into celebrities on the streets.

* Walking onto filming sets!

* Impromptu Luncheons.

* Brunch!

I'm Grateful For:

* Starbucks on almost every corner.

* Bodegas on every corner and open 24 hours.

* Being able to buy a 40 of almost every kind of beer/mixed bottle drink.

* $10 manicures.

* Student Rush Tickets.

* The 24hr Apple store on Fifth Ave.

* The public access to the bathrooms at the Marriott Marquise.

* Drinking and NOT driving!

* A job that allows me to afford expensive dinners at 5 Star restaurants (every once in a while)!

* Friends who understand how fabulous yet challenging it can be to live in Manhattan!

I mean...who wouldn't want to live here!?  It's my city!  It's my home!  This is my reality!  This is my life!  I love it!

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