Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Niche!

I don't know if these words will ever come out of my mouth (fingers) ever again, but Joy Behar had a totally enlightening statement on The View today. I don't watch the program often, mostly because Elisabeth irritates the shit out of me, but sometimes it proves to be entertaining and thought provoking.

One of today's Hot Topics was about Alec Baldwin and a statement he made about his career being a failure. Umm, ok Mr. Baldwin, the fact that we can say your name without having to say 'from blah blah blah' means you have done something notable. Aside from a long list of movies and SNL appearances, there's this little show known as 30 Rock. It's no big deal; he's only won 2 Emmy's, 2 Golden Globes and 2 SAG Awards for this role, as well as received dozens of other nominations including an Academy Award.

From what I can understand, Alec feels he has had a lack of success with his career because he has never had the ability to lead a film on his own accord and status. Ok, so he's no Brad Pitt. No one's denying this, but the fact that you can star alongside Meryl Streep means you must be doing something right! I, being someone trying to get into the business and find my own levels of success listen to this statement and immediately get pissed! How dare he look at his list of credits and undertakings and chalk it all up as failure. But I guess when looking at it deeper you see that even within success and fame, can be levels of failure. When you have been the supporting male, you want that chance to be a leading man. When you've played the supporting husband, father and boss you are waiting for the story to function around you! I get that, but what if it's just not for everybody? Is that a reason to throw in the towel, which he plans on doing when his 30 Rock contract is up.

Joy's comment to the situation was that "when you are a creative person, it's harder to find your niche". Suddenly it all clicked, though I say that while biting my tongue! If Alec Baldwin can look at his career with glaring eyes, feelings of frustration and an overwhelming sense of failure is he just blind or looking for more? This is a problem I find myself in quite often. I guess my calling myself a creative person is a little presumptuous, but I think I have moments. There are a lot of things that I think I am good at: dancing, teaching, choreographing, cooking, taking pictures, working out, maybe even singing and acting depending on who you ask. So I can relate with Mr. Baldwin when you feel like you are missing something and never quite reaching the level you aspire to be at...but who's to say this is the right venue in which you are meant to excel at?

I would love to know when it's the right time to hone in on a different strength, not saying to give up on the one you are currently running with, but to maybe attempt to multi-task! So good luck to you Alec Baldwin in your search for your niche, I'll be right next to you (in spirit)!

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