Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dance it Out!

In preparation for the upcoming season of Grey's Anatomy, I have been doing what every loyal fan does (especially one whose unemployed and without a life, as per noted in my previous blog) and watches the previous season on DVD.

While watching the previous season I had an epiphany. The world would be a better place if we just turned up the music, and 'danced it out.' Why we haven’t thought of this ions ago I don't know. There is nothing truly better than dancing to loud music, while possibly singing at the top of your lungs, to make all the troubles go away, and add tequila to the equation and no one would ever resort to war again!

That is all. I wish I could add more to this thought but really, it's so simple, just DANCE IT OUT.

Don't fight, DANCE IT OUT. Don't whine, DANCE IT OUT. Do it alone, do it with a friend, do it in a bar, do it in your shower. Just turn on the stereo, let your hair down and jump around. You'll feel better. Trust me, or should I say trust Meredith and Christina, they ARE doctors!

(photo courtesy of

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