Sunday, September 27, 2009

You Mad Me Love You (i didn't want to do it)

There are a lot of things that I love in this world; friends, family, dancing, laughing, TV, Allison Janney, vodka, rum, tequila...), but there are two things that just make me all gooey inside, and that is Peanut Butter and Shoes! Sadly, it is somewhat of a love/hate relationship between my body and these fabulous gifts from God!

I could eat Peanut Butter every day, all day! I put it in my yogurt and on my toast. I eat it straight from the jar. I like it in my ice cream and on my rice cakes. I can't get enough, and even when I have, I'll continue to eat it! But sadly I think the time has come for me to put down my spoon and walk away. I have all these weird ailments, that we are not going to get into, but one of which I think is caused by my peanut butter/nut category as a whole addiction. I never thought I would be as sad as when I learned I may be a peanut allergy/intolerance. BOO I say, BOO! I didn't want to love Peanut Butter, especially the extra crunchy kind from Peter Pan, or the flavors from the Peanut Butter Company (Cinnamon Raisin: I heart you), but I do, and now my heart is sad that we must part ways. Tear.

Another love of mine is shoes! I was never the 'Carrie Bradshaw' shoe addict until I found two things: Steve Madden and the discount scratch off! For those of you who have not been as lucky as I have, there are certain days that the Steve Madden store will hand out little scratch off cards valued at different discount prices, so whatever you scratch off is yours for the day to use towards your purchases! GENEOUS! I now want shoes ALL the time. I look online, I stop by the store, and I stalk girls in the ladies rooms to ask them what they are wearing! The day I own a pair of Christian Louboutins, is the day I will run down the streets naked with just my fabulous gift from the heavens on my feet! The problem is therefore in two parts: my lacking budget for such wonderful things, and the ability to wear these 5" beauties for longer than 20minutes. Want to know why all the hot celebrities are sitting at the trendy clubs? It's because if they attempt to stand up for longer than the time it takes to walk to the restroom, pee, and come back their ankles will snap in half! But we girls will continue to buy these empire State Buildings of foot wear because our legs look SO HOT in them! So what if we are shortening our Achilles tendons and can barely get out of bed the next day! When you're hot your hot!

So, even though my body says no: you made me love you peanut butter and sexy shoes, and ok...I did want to do it!

(courtesey of
(those are my pretty shoes, courtesy of

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