Monday, September 21, 2009

Ok, so here's the deal!

I figured that now is as good a time as any to explain what my deal is and why I started a blog. (Not that anyone is actually reading this, and following me, but for my state of being, here we go).

As previously mentioned, I'm currently living in Miami, FL. The decision to come down here came to me after an incident I had in Starbucks. And by incident I mean my crying hysterically at the counter while ordering my Tall, Non-fat, Sugar Free Vanilla, Chai Tea Latte. And by ordering my Chai tea latte I mean blurting out in one loud breath amongst tears 'TALLuhuh, (sniffle), CHAIahhhh, (sniffle), TEAuhhhhuuuuh'. Yes, I was a pathetic mess, but nonetheless I realized that I needed a break from living in the city. I absolutely love New York, and I think it took leaving for a little while to realize how much. But the problem with living in the city was that I was never able to find enough time to do the things I've always wanted to try. The truth of the matter is, that I was burnt out from auditioning, but was NOT happy with my work situation, and at the time had a sucky apartment life. I was over being unhappy and thought that I might be able to get a better hold on things if I ran away.

I'm probably the most Type-A, Obsessive Compulsive, List Maker, the Best Is Never Good Enough, person you will ever meet. (Or read about). So in order for me to 'run away' responsibly, I got in touch with a good friend, put my stuff in storage, crashed on some couches, and then moved my butt down to Miami. The plan was to work out, rest, read, get a tan, get fit, write, and get my life in order. I'm proud to say I've done most of that, and I still have two weeks left.

So anyways, that's where the blog thing comes in. I've read a bunch of books by fabulous ladies, such as Chelsea Handler and Jen Lancaster, who make money by talking about their lives. Well, I like to tell stories, ok, I like to rant. But I figured that my stories were documentable, and publishable, so I was going to comprise them all and sell a book in 4 weeks time. Yeah, I know, I get these ridiculous circumstances in my head, to this my friends (my fabulous friends) just smile and nod. So after I realized that I don't have any real writing experience, except for a fabulous Graduation Speech ( I was Senior Class President), I figured it might be good to start small, give myself a goal and try to stick to it.

So here my goal! I started this blog with the intentions of writing as close to everyday as possible, about the things that I'm inspired to write about. Sadly, up until this moment they have all been TV related articles, but people I'm BORED, all I have to do down here is watch TV (among the other things that were on my list, but still that's not a lot)! But I promise there will be plenty of dirt to dish about when I get back to the city. And yes, of course, it will be over dramatized, but that's me in every day to day life. To me there are always 157 things to do in a day, and I can get them all done in .2 seconds, and I always think I'm 300 pounds... so get used to it now!
So back to the purpose of the blog... I'm writing in hopes that getting my thoughts down where I can see them I will be able to make some sort of semblance of my life. Weigh out the good and the bad. The serious and the dramatic. The truth from the fantasies in my head!

Here's the plan, plain and simple: Write at least 5 entries a week. (I was going to go for 7, but I already messed that up). I will not include the names of friends and co-workers, unless I ask them, or unless I am speaking and writing praise on their amazing talent. (I will make sure to have their consent). My family is completely shit out of luck with the anonymity though, they are my family and I love them, but there is no way to keep them out of my daily thoughts and feelings, especially the ones that drive me insane! (Sorry Mom). I will NOT mention my place of employment or any former employers by name. (This is not only so I keep my job, but I know that how shitty things may be some times, it's like that anywhere, so I'd hate to ruin its reputation).

So here goes! I hope you check back to see how I'm doing. I'd love feedback, questions, comments, and at times concerns! I would like to say that I hope someone out there is reading this, but truthfully, it doesn't matter...writing this blog is giving me a new way to be creative, and I love it already!


  1. I am :) And you can TOTALLY use my name. I'm a sucker for the limelight.

  2. yes yes yes!! keep it up, girl!! i'll call soon to check in! xoxo
