Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lazy Bones Jones

I woke up this morning at the startling early afternoon hour of 11am. This is incredibly unheard of for me. Especially considering that my alarm was set for 6:30am. I blamed it on needing a little bit of rest for all my hours logged working out, taking Pilates and walking around Miami! I then began to stuff my face with the contents of my kitchen. Now, I know in retrospect what I was eating wasn't horrible, but I started with the mental judgment of my lack of self-control, therefore my lack of self-respect.

I have a hard time just sitting still, but when I finally do I tear myself apart saying I'm not doing enough. Enough of what? And WHY? What is it about our society that can't just allow one to enjoy what is? And what today 'just was' was a lazy day. Though I DID go for a walk around Brickell Key (3 times). When I got back I was all set (mentally) to take my building's kick boxing class at 7pm and to run on the treadmill, until I realized I just don't want to! (Let guilt set in about being a lazy SOB).

I guess there is technically still time to take the class, be it that it's only 6:05pm at this moment, but the truth is, I don't feel well. And NO, it's not from shoving my face today, which didn't help the fact, but it's not the reason. So once again I ask, why do we not allow ourselves to rest without judgment?

I was all ready to be proud of the fact that I was going to nurse my stuffy nose and head cold until I saw the picture to the right. THAT is why we (and by we I mean me) kill ourselves at the gym, and then mentally abuse any self-esteem and self-confidence we may have when we are NOT at the gym. You are a beautiful specimen to look at Miss Edyta Sliwinska; I have other opinions about your dancing, but SERIOUSLY! It is NOT humanly possible for most women, including myself to look like you, but yet we try... and then we cry when we fail!

Ok, so it might sound like I'm bitching about not being genetically blessed, and yes I am, but really I'm bitching because every time I get to a place where I am happy and confident, there is a reminder that there is something better. Any advice as to how we can not let beautiful poster children like Edyta get us down? Because I'm fresh out of ideas at the moment, and currently out of peanut butter, which just makes me even sadder!

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