Monday, October 5, 2009


In case I haven’t mentioned it yet, I was born and raised in Buffalo! I have no intentions of ever moving back, but I do hold a serious amount of hometown pride. I think everyone from Buffalo (or B-Lo) shares this unique connection to one another and our beloved city. That connection may be a deep understanding of sucky athletic teams or deep fried food, it doesn't matter...Buffalo people LOVE Buffalo people.

We show up! We represent! We make our presence and our love known! And we ban together when the going gets rough, and especially when the beer starts flowing! Our love crosses all races, all classes and all states. It's all for one and one for Buffalo!

This deep b-lo pride and Buffalove was in full force this weekend down here in Miami. The Bills (no one circles the wagon, like the Buffalo Bills) were in town to play the Dolphins. It's what the newspapers were calling 'The Buffalo Invasion'! 1,500 people were said to have shown up to party hard and share in out deep beliefs of Buffalo Bills DOMINATION. Yes, we are aware of our statistics and our previous records, but we are ALWAYS optimistic. GO BUFFALO!

I was very excited to see the familiarity of the blue and red, the new and old jerseys, and the plethora of 'T.O/B-LO' t-shirts! I went with my girlfriends to the game and OF COURSE we went early to tailgate! We found the best strip of people and cars with the essential tailgating essentials: grills, beer, wings, Salens hot dogs and beer! I understand that's how most teams technically do the parking lot munchies, but we rock it out hard core! After feeling all upbeat and loved we went inside to our fierce clubhouse seats! Very quickly though our excitement died and so did our buzz!

As to be expected we were surrounded by Dolphins fans. And as to be expected we got harassed for being Buffalo girls. As to be expected there was trash talk. As to be expected T.O. dropped a couple passes. Then as to be expected there was even more trash talking. What was NOT what I was expecting was to be literally screamed at by trashy Miami women, and men, for have a sort of pride in a team that maybe needed a little more finesse. And what we didn't expect was to have fists thrown and beer poured. All I can say to that is '0-16' and 'don't be wasteful'.  Buffalo girls are classy.

Needless to say, security was called. The trash was taken out. I physically took a beating from the sun. And my Buffalo ego took a pounding with a 37-10 loss. But we walked out with our heads held high, and our beers in our hands! There's always next week.

Dear Miami Dolphins Fans;
Hi, I haven’t addressed you directly, though some of you have fallen into my skeezy guy and trashy girl letters. There are a couple of things we should discuss, and by discuss I mean: I will point out, and YOU will change!
1- It is impressive that all of 2 cars show up to tailgate before noon for a 4pm game, but that's NOTHING compared to a B-Lo event. Get on the ball, 'cause we will out cook you and drink you with our eyes closed.
2- It is NOT impressive that the only pre-game trash talk you can come up with is that your team was undefeated in 1972. I wasn't even born yet, therefore...not a good line and I DON'T CARE!

3- Of course you should root for your team. Do the chants, sing the songs, call out at the players, but please DON'T do it in my ear. Or at least do it in my right ear, because after today I'm pretty sure I'm deaf in that one.
4- If you are a trashy girl at a football game, it's probably best NOT to start trouble with the pretty girls at the game. Couple reasons look ridiculous, we are tougher than we look, and when we call-security comes.
5- If you choose to be belligerent to the opposing/visiting team, DO NOT THROW BEER. To a Buffalonian that is just WASTEFUL. We would rather take a punch than waste a good beer. (If you follow this train of thought-we will be drunk and it won't hurt so much-DUH).
6- Your little songs that you sing, um....SUCK. If someone wants to drive me to the lengths of going Van Gough on myself, PLEASE, put me in a room with the 'Fins' song from the Miami games. I swear, if I heard 'Fins to the left. Fins to the Right. We're at the only game in town'...I will do the previously mentioned act and be glad!
7- I would like to take a quick second to apologize to you 'Fins' fans though. I'm sorry that you're stupid. It's quite unfortunate that you can't follow the rules and engagements of football and that you need to be prompt for EVERYTHING that is going on on the field. Seriously, did you really need the announcer to say 'and that's another Miami Dolphins...First Down', every fucking time? Seriously! Annoying!
8- And my last point is that you have horrible, HORRIBLE pride for your team. A- Your stadium was empty. B- You like to spend more time causing trouble than watching the game. And C- you leave at half-time whether you are up or down. My response to that is: A- come to a game in Buffalo in December in -10 degrees, we are still full. B- The only time we cause problems is when we are out of beer. And C- there is a whole half hour left in the game after half time, anything can happen.

So Miami fans, take this, absorb it, and apply it, because I'll be back. And remember, we the Bills might have sucked today, but you guys suck just about every day. Eh, eh, 0-16...or should I say 1-15 for this season?!

Thank You,
(Believer in all things BuffaLOVE)

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