Sunday, October 11, 2009

"I'm a Big Girl Now!"

I feel like 24 is the year I become a real adult. Sure I have been living in New York since I was 21, and I've been working and paying ALL my own bills for the last three years, but I finally feel like the adult that I've been wanting to be! Not to mention I think I'm actually starting to look like an adult instead of an amateur! And NO, my bra size is no different!

Since turning 24, I've lived in Miami and more importantly gotten a real apartment in New York.  One where I will finally have my own room. I haven’t had a room that I could call MY OWN in the last 4 years. And even before that I was sharing dorm rooms with roommates. There isn't even my own room at my parent’s house in Texas. Correction, I don't even have my own closet at their house. (I did at one point, but the last time I was home it was emptied of my items and stuffed with Lego houses and jazz-er-cize shit!)

The 'having my own room' thing is HUGE for me. I was semi-spoiled growing up and never had to share a room. I had my own pink floral room complete with bunk beds till I was 15, then had a beautiful silver and blue room with an amazing queen bed until I was a junior in college. It was all down hill from there: dorm rooms with 1 or more roommates, then sharing a room with my sister plus a former roommate in my parent’s house, and that’s before my family lived in a one room hotel suite for 2 months! Then it was back to bunk beds when I moved to NYC, and this time, they weren't for decoration or for making kick ass tents with sheets and towels (I know I’m not the only kid that did this, don't even try to deny it!).

So like I was saying, I will now have my very own room, and to top it off, my very own bed! And not just any bed a real bed, one that I bought all by myself today. O, did I forget to mention that since living in NYC (and even in Miami) I've been sleeping on air mattresses? So today I made the most adult-like purchase I've ever made: a full size pillow top mattress, box spring and frame! I can't believe it!  I feel so old!

I know you are thinking, "She is crazy, it's just an apartment"...but it's a NICE apartment!
And I know you are thinking, "She is crazy, it’s a bed"...but it's a REAL bed!
And I know you are thinking, "She is crazy, and I just don't care"....well BITE ME!

(thank you huggies pull-ups for the fabulous slogan)

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