Monday, October 19, 2009

Regina is 'Spektor'-ular

Last week I went to the Regina Spektor concert at Radio City Music Hall. First off: Radio City is just beautiful, someday I will be there at the Tony Awards receiving Best Choreography in a Musical and watching my fabulous friends accepting their Best Actor/Actress awards. But until then, I'll go to fabulous concerts like Regina’s.

I only know five of her songs, but she played four of them so I definitely got my money's worth. I absolutely loved how chill the show was. There were no mosh pits, or people running up and down the aisles. I mean, people were drunk, that's for sure, but her concert was one of those that you could just sit back in those plush seats, listen and enjoy. I think that her music is incredibly smart and powerful. The lyrics are so beautiful and true to life, love and art. She has a great way of turning run-on thoughts/sentences into amazing phrases. I think I love that about her music because I am the queen of run-on sentences. I could talk, talk, talk and ramble until I’m either out of breath or my brain just stops, which has happened before when I start to ramble and forget to let my brain catch up to my mouth! Unfortunately I'm not profound and poetic like Miss. Spektor though.

Another plus to this concert is how seriously adorable she was. Quirky, perky and you can tell slightly socially awkward! I would LOVE to have lunch with her and just see what she has to say, it could either be a moving convo where she has this unique intelligence, or could be Jessica Simpson; dumb as a skunk!

I love her new song 'Laughing with God'. So moving and insightful. Her range of topics and styles is incredible and she always leaves you wanting more. I would really love to choreograph a show to her music. Well, what I really want is to choreograph movement into her live concerts, I think contemporary and modern dance would move so well to all she has to say in her music. Regina + live dance = my goal/dream!

"Laughing With" by Regina Spektor

No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war.
No one’s laughing at God
When they’re starving or freezing or so very poor.
No one laughs at God
When the doctor calls after some routine tests.
No one’s laughing at God
When it’s gotten real late
And their kid’s not back from the party yet.

No one laughs at God
When their airplane start to uncontrollably shake.
No one’s laughing at God
When they see the one they love, hand in hand with someone else
And they hope that they’re mistaken.

No one laughs at God
When the cops knock on their door
And they say we got some bad news, sir.
No one’s laughing at God
When there’s a famine or fire or flood.

But God can be funny
At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke, or
Or when the crazies say He hates us
And they get so red in the head you think they’re ‘bout to choke.
God can be funny,
When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way.
And when presented like a genie who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
God can be so hilarious.
Ha ha.

No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war.
No one’s laughing at God
When they’ve lost all they’ve got
And they don’t know what for.
No one laughs at God on the day they realize
That the last sight they’ll ever see is a pair of hateful eyes.
No one’s laughing at God when they’re saying their goodbyes.

But God can be funny
At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke, or
Or when the crazies say He hates us
And they get so red in the head you think they’re ‘bout to choke.
God can be funny,
When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way.
And when presented like a genie who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus.
God can be so hilarious.

No one laughing at God in hospital.
No one’s laughing at God in a war.
No one’s laughing at God when they’re starving or freezing or so very

No one’s laughing at God.
No one’s laughing at God.
No one’s laughing at God.
We’re all laughing with God.

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