I hate moving. Moving in New York City is one of the most painful processes to go through, and to top it off, the most costly expense you come across. Each time I turn around my credit/debit cards are being pulled out of my wallet or I'm fielding more stupid phone calls from 'so called' professionals. I have been on edge for the last three days since I found the place I want to live in, and why, because people are stupid!
It is amazing how patient I have grown over the last three years, especially the last month, but I'm coming close to my limit. The last thing someone moving in New York City wants is lies, and more expenses. My roommate and I were told we could move in Monday, so we acted on it. I canceled my storage unit, hired a budget van, and bought a mattress. All of these things were planned and scheduled, and then at 7pm on Sunday night we get a call saying 'Oops, sorry, you can't move in until Tuesday, we never did your credit check'. BASTARDS! Then they had the audacity to say we were too pushy, and then were warned that the management had a six month time frame immediately after signing the lease during which they could kick out uncooperative tenants! Why am I always being threatened by stupid people? We have done nothing but follow up on the status of our application, and then acted based on what we were being told, and yet we are being threatened before the lease has even been signed. And what kills me, is that these people get away with it because they KNOW we want the apartment. And if I had the money, and the time and the mental capacity I would say 'Peace Out' and look for another place. But I want this one, especially considering the brain power (and money) that has already been lodged into it.
BOO I say, BOO!
Dear New York Real Estate People:
Stop lying and being stupid. I just want an apartment!
Many thanks,
(someone who really doesn't want to have to kick your ass)
where is your place? who are you living with? i miss you!!!