Friday, October 2, 2009

Oh Mom!

I got out of my Pilates class this morning and did what I have gotten into the habit of doing not just for the last month that I've been in Miami, but the last 6.5 years that I have lived away from home. I called my mother. Now I say 'mother' with this sarcastic groan, but the truth of the matter is... I love my mom. No, I don't just love her in the 'she's my mom so I love her' way, I fucking love her! She cracks my shit up on a daily basis.

Quick info about my mom. My mother was a stay at home mom for the entirety of my childhood. I didn't go to pre-school, I had fold laundry/watch soaps with mom school. She was there when I got home every day from Kindergarten till Senior Year. She raised not only me and my three siblings, but arguably the entire neighborhood and our best friends as well. Even before we were all enrolled in full days at school my mom was babysitting and essentially giving us a huge extended family! There were always people in my house, my mom was baking and helping with projects, chaperoning field trips and dances, organizing fundraisers, rhinestoning costumes, baking (I already said that, but we ate a lot), and carpooling all over the Western New York Area.
My mom is the first person to step up in a crisis, and is arguably one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I'm proud to say I get a lot of my characteristics from her. But my mom... is a bitch. Yes I said it, once again adding to the fact that we are very much alike. When I was a senior in High School, we were given the 'Nicest Bitches You Know' award. I thought it was hysterical, my mom, not so much. And by 'not so much' I mean she was mortified. It took her about a year to accept the title, and now she will openly admit that she is going to hell. At least we'll be there together.

I have no doubt my mother will be a frequent topic of my blog, so I'll skip ahead to today's conversation. Now, remember how supportive and encouraging my mother is, well phrases like "Hey Becker, You Suck" are just the beginning. She was telling me about my youngest brother's football game and how everyone around them was talking about how great he was, but not talking to my parents, they had no idea that the star on the field belonged to them. My mom was so proud, and chose to express this to my brother as: "Thank you for not sucking today, it was actually nice to be your parent".

When I first went away to school my trucker mouth grew exponentially, not that it was all that good before, but I would always get reamed at by my mother that I wasn’t speaking "lady like". I think she was mostly concerned that my youngest brother, who I have a solid 8 years on, was going to pick these things up. Now, she lovingly refers to him as "That little shit" and "Your dumbass brother". I like to think that I opened up her vocabulary a little bit, and for that I take great pride.

So for any of you that watch the TV show Modern Family, they ain't got nothin’ on the Beckers!

(modern family on abc, weds at 9pm)

1 comment:

  1. I love you. You made me laugh and cry. Sometimes, even I can't believe some of the things that come out of my mouth. I enjoy your writting, you should do something with it.
    Love, mom
