Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Hate Moving!

I am so sorry that I have gone almost a week without a blog! That was totally not the plan, but with moving, starting back to work and not having internet, my blogging became difficult.

In case you were wondering... I got the place! Yay. But here's the thing, Columbus Day '09/Moving Day was one of the most on edge days I have experienced in a long time.  I seriously wanted to scream: "You are ruining moving day for us!" at everyone I came across.  Those of you who are fans of Friends with remember the episode where the boys move into the girl's apartment!

Here's a timeline of the events:

8am- I woke up, checked my e-mails and texts, crossed my fingers and said a prayer the day would go well.

9am- This should have been the time I met with the broker to sign the papers, but he was doing our credit check, so we technically didn't know if we had the apartment or not...Irritating.

10am- I show up at Budget to pick up my van to empty my storage space. I HATE dealing with these types of places. A- They make me feel stupid. B- They treat you like a piece of shit. C- I feel like it's always a scam because there are always added prices and fees. BULLSHIT!

1030am- Budget doesn't have the van I asked for, so they upgrade me to a larger truck. It ended up working out better spatially, but I was scared shitless driving this was HUGE. (That’s what she said! Ba Dum Chi)

11am- The fabulous T. Mack meets me and helps me to unload my Mini Manhattan Storage Space. It was much easier than we thought it would be!

1115am- I get word from my roommate that we just need one more form signed by my Dad and we will be good to go. Thank God!

Noon- T. Mack and I go to Sleepy's to pick up my bed. Of course they don't have the frame and the mattress protector, but at least I have the truck and don't have to pay for delivery. T and I have to carry the mattress out to the truck ourselves, which was fine, but then had to lift it about 6 feet to put in the truck. The plastic bag got caught on something so I climb in, under and around boxes to untangle it. At the same time I very nice man in the truck double parked behind us comes over and offers to help. Too bad I was behind the mattress when he shoved it and ended up on my ass in a pile full of broken glass.

1230pm- T. Mack and I revel in the fact that we look like serious trucker girls and eat our subway sandwiches!

1pm- After dropping off T at the bus stop, and almost hitting a crossing guard, I head uptown to unload and sign the papers.

2pm- After leaving my truck double parked, I have signed the papers to my new apartment and have the keys in hand.

430pm- With no help from my friends (love you guys, but this was not an easy process by myself), we have unloaded mine and my roommate's trucks into our apartment. This was after 80 trips on the scary freight elevator that was the size of a small bathroom. You couldn't fit more than a dresser in the lift at a time...this made it a long process.

445pm- I'm very excited that I can drop my truck off early, so I hop in the driver's seat and what happens? The stupid truck won't start. Now I spend 15 minutes on the phone with the emergency services for Budget, and after being yelled at and told that I broke the truck and would have to suffer the expenses, my roomies dad gets the truck started but says "Don't turn it of till you get there, because it might not start again!".

530pm- After stopping for gas with the truck running, I drop it off at Budget and basically once again get yelled at for being a "stupid girl, and a bad driver". You can kiss my business good-bye!

630pm- Indulge in pizza for the first time in months! Mama was hungry!

Midnight- First night in my own bed, in my own apartment!

The place looks great. My roommate is a peach. As in sweet, not as in form Georgia.

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